I'm getting ridiculous amounts of knitting done as of late, but I'd be much happier employed.
I am hoping for large amounts of snow on Wednesday. Knitting, crazy snowfall, and my year anniversary, AND Valentine's Day. I would be very happy to lock myself at home with my husband, eat chocolate or something as sinful, watch Planet of the Apes, and knit all day long. Hopefully it will snow early and he will be trapped at home with me.
And I really do like exploring the city in the snow....no pesky cars to get in the way.
I've been daydreaming a lot lately. I'm practically obsessed with Craft's blog. Its update very often, which is great for someone with large amounts of time on their hands, and its filled will all sorts of crafty stories. I may be known for my knitting, but my love of crafts in general is where my heart lies. I like glass, and embroidery, and beading, and sewing, and stamper collecting. I get just as giggly buying felt tipped markers as I do buying yarn. I've been reading the crafster message boards since they began. I even used to post to the long defunct glitter boards (which popped up on another server, but its just not the same). I'm waiting patiently, well, more like impatiently for my new issues of Craft and Adorn to show up in the mail. (I subscribed late so it will take forever)
I'm thinking of embroidery ideas and things I'd like to embroider but I just seem to be missing bits and pieces. Maybe this week I'll drag myself to my local art store and pick up the few items I still need.
Nothing else to report. I'm still waiting for good news, especially after spending the past week horribly cold ridden. I had no idea the nose could even get that stuffed, let alone stay that way over a week. The human body is amazing and gross.
The family camera has taken a turn for the worse, so I probably won't have pictures available until I'm happily employed. Lets all hope that is soon.